Monday, December 6, 2010

Daily December 2010

The last two years I've made a Daily December Album inspired by Ali Edwards. You would think that with the craziness of the holidays that this project would add to the stress. Not for me. It's such a fun way to document the season as it's happening.

When I purchased paper to make my paper loop wreath they sent me a double order for free. I used all the extra paper and lifted this design from the Jillibean Soup blog. It's set up for 4 x 6 photos so it's quick and easy- no editing required. Super SIMPLE design.

The key to success is to get it prepped before December starts. I prepped my pages in early November and now it's ready to go.

Here are the first 3 days of December 2010

December 1-
Letters to Santa. I loved that Bennet was old enough this year to actually write the letters when I helped her spell the words.

December 2-
Scout's holiday concert, Hanging of the Greens, at the YWCA.
December 3-
A lazy night at home. PJ's, hot cocoa and The Polar Express on TV.


Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said...

Yay, I've been looking forward to your Daily December layouts :)

gottaluvboyz said...

Love it, Kari Ann! One of these years I am going to give this a try. I look forward to seeing more of your album!