Thursday, June 21, 2012

10 Things on Thursday

1. Nick and I have been watching the first season of White Collar. Love that show. We've seen the more current seasons, but we are enjoying watching the earlier ones. 
2. Finished this book. It is a page turner. A 'what-is-going-to-happen-next' thrill ride. WOW! Highly recommend. 
3. Now I'm reading this. It's written by a Wisconsin author and takes place in Milwaukee which is kind of fun. 

4. Bennet Snapshot of the Week: Every Friday is she goes to an area pool with the YWCA. She is in heaven. Last week when she returned from the pool she proudly told me that she can swim now. REALLY swim Mom! I can't wait to see it in person. 
5. Scout Snapshot of the Week: She insists on wearing flannel pjs when it's 90 degrees in the house. She puts on nightly talent shows with a minimum of 3 made up songs. She has been extra sweet to her sister Ellie. Just wanting to play with her and help her participate. 
6.  Ellie Snapshot of the Week:  This girl makes me laugh. Her vocabulary is just doubling by the day. The sentences she comes up with just leave me shaking my head and smiling.  Where does she come up with this stuff? 
7. Firming up dates for Camp G&G 2012. My AWESOME parents are taking all 3 girls this year. I'm not going to lie- I am bursting with excitement at the thought of an adult weekend for Nick and me somewhere. 
8.  I made this dress for Scout. I had this tutorial pinned in Pinterest. I am on a BIG blue and red kick right now from fabric to scrapbooking. My pregnancy album is heavy on these colors too! 

9.  Father's Day Cards- Found this card idea on Etsy and put my own twist on it. 

10. Weekend plans include a co-workers baby shower, laundry (always) and perhaps a camp out in the backyard depending on weather. 

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