It is a miserably mopey, rainy, gray Monday. Things just kind of stink and I'm feeling blah. When I was little and feeling this way my Mom would always make me say things I was happy about out loud to make them real. "I am a good person" So- I am going to take a 5 minute break from work and list 10 things that make me happy RIGHT NOW
1. Nick made delicious tuna melts for lunch. I really like tuna melts.
2. How I Met Your Mother is new tonight
3. I'm going to be an Auntie in less than 2 weeks (give or take)
4. I still have Thin Mints frozen in the deep freeze and the girls don't know so I don't have to share.
5. I'm having a good hair day.
6. I still have a job.
7. It's bath night and I love snuggling with the girls afterwards. They smell so wonderful.
8. I haven't heard a Phil Collins song all day.
9. Scout did this adorable hop while running combo to come and give me a hug over lunch.
10. I'm good enough. smart enough and gosh darnit people like me.