Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sweet Summer Splash Pad

After what felt like a month straight of clouds and rain it was finally decent last Friday. We were all starting to go a little stir crazy. When I realized that naps were not going to happen I put the kids suits on, lotioned them up and took an impromptu trip to the Splash Pad.

It took Scout awhile to warm up to getting wet but once she did it was hard to get her to slow down. Total goober.
Look at that face. She's determined!

I have no idea where this came from. They NEVER want to hold hands but for some reason today they were inseparable.
And the littlest apple on our family tree slept.
I say it every year but our Splash Pad is such a great deal. 50cents a person, all the water you can handle AND it's fenced in. Can't beat that!


gottaluvboyz said...

How fun! Love that first series of photos of her running:) Our older two boys (who are not big on holding hands) often do so in public. I *think* it's a comfort...we are in the together kind of thing.

50 awesome!!!! I wish we had someplace around here like that.

Williams Family said...

that's it. I am moving to there immediately. But - you have to promise that you and Nick & the girls will be our best friends, because I want your exact life.