Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Gift to Treasure

I did this layout based off a sketch for the ScrapFreak May class as well as a little challenge with friends. Enjoy! JOURNALING: Christmas 2008. Nick has this amazing ability to give the most perfect gifts. they are unique & always something that you'd never think of. This year his thoughtfulness resulted in a gift that not only made me cry, it made me feel so incredibly loved. Something that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I had one more gift to open. As soon as I spied the cover my heart flipped a little bit. I tried to hold back the tears. Nick had found a 40th Anniversary Edition autographed by Mary Badlam, the actress who played Scout Finch in the film. The inscription is the last line from the 1962 film, "Well, it would be sort of like shooting a mockingbird wouldn't it? - Scout Finch" Words cannot express what this book means to me. I felt so special. I almost felt undeserving but I also felt overwhelming happiness. I know how much work he put into finding it. It is a family heirloom. Someday our sweet daughter Scout will inherit this book containing her namesake and she'll know the signifance of a gift that was more than a gift- it was love.

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