Monday, March 23, 2009

10 Happy Things

It is a miserably mopey, rainy, gray Monday. Things just kind of stink and I'm feeling blah. When I was little and feeling this way my Mom would always make me say things I was happy about out loud to make them real. "I am a good person" So- I am going to take a 5 minute break from work and list 10 things that make me happy RIGHT NOW

1. Nick made delicious tuna melts for lunch. I really like tuna melts.

2. How I Met Your Mother is new tonight

3. I'm going to be an Auntie in less than 2 weeks (give or take)

4. I still have Thin Mints frozen in the deep freeze and the girls don't know so I don't have to share.

5. I'm having a good hair day.

6. I still have a job.

7. It's bath night and I love snuggling with the girls afterwards. They smell so wonderful.

8. I haven't heard a Phil Collins song all day.

9. Scout did this adorable hop while running combo to come and give me a hug over lunch.

10. I'm good enough. smart enough and gosh darnit people like me.


Jayne said...

Sorry you are having a tough day! Love your happy things :)

Charity said...

What a great idea I must try that when I am having a bad day. Today would have been a good idea First day of spring break and this awful weather Ugg

jenney said...

Enjoy those thin mints! Shhh...

Williams Family said...

Your Phil Collins comment made me laugh out loud.

Hope Tuesday is a better day!