Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Fill Ins

1. I grew up thinking that marble cake was Marvel Cake. My grandma's name is Marvel and I thought it was her cake :)
2. Bloglines was the last website I was at before coming here.
3. Why don't you take a chill pill? (I have no idea where that came from)
4. A glass of red wine and a hot bath helps me relax.
5. Thanks for the memories Elk River Area High School. I graduated 15 years ago and have fond memories!!
6. People with limp handshakes is very off-putting.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a traffic free drive north, tomorrow my plans include testing out the new pontoon and Sunday, I want to wish my sweet niece Molly a very blessed baptism!


Tracy Kosofsky said...

Ewww I hate limp handshakes, too! Have a fun weekend!

mustangkayla said...

Too funny about the chill pill. I was just on the Friday fill in blog and that was my first thought too! Have fun on the pontoon! I have many fond memories of my Grandpas pontoon!

Lindsey McFarland said...

I posted my Friday Fill-Ins before checking yours and it's too funny that we both find it relaxing to take a hot bath and have a glass of wine.