Only a couple things went wrong. Right when we got there someone found a spider. No big deal- I can handle bugs. Well this guy had a body the size of an apricot and hairy legs. Eww! Back to the woods for you buddy. I think it was a Wood or Wolf Spider. I'll spare you the image.
The whole group. Miranda, Steph, Julie, Steph and me (with the Great White legs)
Scrap break with a roucous game of UNO.
Sat. night we needed a snack so we made garlic bread. I take a gander to see flames in the oven. Did I freak? Nah- I just said, "Just a moment, there's a small fire in the oven" got the fire extinguisher and took care of business. Of course the ladies were smart and shooshed me out while they aired out the joint.