I always say that those of us who live in the snowy tundra part of the Midwest appreciate summer more than any other part of the country. We take those 3 short months of glorious weather and take advantage of it as much as we can. And I never want to hear my kids say they didn't do anything fun over summer. And to prove it- I have their summer from A to Z!
Asleep on the bathroom floor (Ellie)
Bay Beach Amusement Park, Bowling, Bike Car Wash
Camping in the Backyard, ChalkFest,
Dad's birthday, Despicable Me 2
Eyeglasses for Bennet, Eau Claire night for Kari,
Fishing and Fireworks, Felt Monster craft, Farm Animals at the Wisconsin Valley Fair,
Grandma and Grandpa Camp in MN,
Haircuts, Hot dogs (so many hot dogs!)
Ice Cream Man, I Spy Walk,
Jumping off the diving board at Kaiser (Bennet),
Krolow (Maddie and Izzy) girls babysitter extraordinaires!
Lost teeth (Scout) and new teeth (Spenser)
Movie in the Park (Wreck It Ralph),
New nephew/cousin Miles Paul,
Outdoor related bumps and scrapes
Pontoon ride on Poor Lake, Pottery painting at Clay Corner
Quarrels and Quiet time
Reading on the patio, Rocket launches
Soccer, Spa Day Manicures, Splash Pad, Swimming with clothes on, Summer School, Stepping Stones, Sewing
Tubing, Two Wheeler riding for Scout, Tye Dye shirts,
Under the stairs forts,
Volume always on 11,
Wausau Woodchucks Game,
Xeroxed coloring pages,
YWCA Guys Who Grill event for Kari and Nick,
Zoo (Petting Zoo at the YWCA and Wildwood Wildlife Park)