Thursday, December 31, 2009
The Final Countdown to Baby Thermos

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I Cried Alot Today
She voluntarily took my hand in hers as we walked across the parking lot to the movie.
I cried.
She told me as she jumped up and down, "I'm so excited for our date Mom"
I cried.
While holding her little snack pack of popcorn, soda and candy she said, "I love you Mom" and leaned in for a kiss.
I cried.
Out of the blue she said, "Thanks for taking me to the movie theatre Mom. It's the best day ever"
I cried.
Sometimes I look at her and it's hard to believe she's 4. Hard to believe that my first is already becoming such a little person. Full of attitude and thoughtfulness at the same time. Just when I think I couldn't possibly love her more. . . she wants to hold my hand.
I cried.
She probably won't remember our special date. But I will. I'll remember that in those final weeks before Thermos made his/her debut I was able to sneak away with her for an afternoon. And it will probably make me cry.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Friday Fill Ins
1. My boots are kind of girlie and probably won't stand up to all the snow this winter.
2. Wireless internet is one of the best inventions of this century.
3. Imitation crab meat is simply imitation. Tasteless imitation
4. Give me a call and we'll talk
5. I'd like to thank Nick helping make Christmas so special for our family.
6. I'm a wee bit uncomfortable at this stage and I'm just going to get over it
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to celebrating Christmas at the Sweeney's, tomorrow my plans include braving the after Christmas sale at Target and Sunday, I want to do a whole lotta nothing!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Daily December- Dec. 20-22
Sunday, December 20
Lots of journaling for today's page.

Monday, December 21
Bennet's 4th birthday. A new haircut and a revitalized, fever free kid.
Tuesday, Dec. 22
I am going to feature a project that Nick has been working on since Thanksgiving. He's been woodworking something for the girls for Christmas and it isn't quite done yet.. Almost. . .
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
34 weeks- Countdown to Thermos

Monday, December 21, 2009
Happy 4th Birthday Bennet!

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Daily December- Dec. 18 & 19
Fri. Dec. 18
Focus on our annual tradition of holiday pj's for the girls. They get to open them Christmas Eve. Yes- it's also because I want them to be all matchy for Christmas morning photos.

Journaling: No birthday party for Miss B who is running a high fever. Poor kid. G&G T still came for a quick visit so she wasn't 100% devastated. And of course there were still gifts & cake.

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Daily December- Dec. 16- Dec. 17

Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday Fill Ins
2. There used to be 'I will cooperate in class' engraved in my 1st grade handwriting on my parents old kitchen table.
3. I watched the steam rising from the hot cup of coffee and thought: digging to the bottom of the cooler for the Peppermint Mocha creamer was worth it..
4. Everything is going to be okay.
5. I'll take a Coke over a Pepsi anyday.
6. Being hormonal and teary at Christmas time is exhausting- at least from my point of view.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to helping Nick make Bennet's birthday cake, tomorrow my plans include celebrating Bennet's 4th birthday (a couple days early) with family and Sunday, I want to make a Gingerbread house. Or relax!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Microwave Homemade PlayDoh
I made these as Christmas gifts for the 3 kids at Bennet and Scout's daycare/school. The kids are 3 & 4 so I thought a little craft would be fun.
1 C salt
2 TBSP cream of tartar
2 pkg. of KoolAid (for scent and color)
I added a cookie cutter and the instructions.
Attach to Jar:
The Best Microwave Play Dough
Mix 2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of baby oil
Put the dry ingredients from this container in a microwave-safe bowl; add the liquid mixture and stir to mix together. Ask an adult to microwave on high for a total of about 4 minutes, stopping every 30 to 45 seconds to stir again.
Stir each time until a ball forms.
After the play dough is cool enough to touch you're ready to play!
I figured they could use the jar as a piggy bank or something when they're done.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Daily December- Dec. 14 & 15
Monday, December 14
Scout didn't want to sit alone with Santa so I ended up in the photo AGAIN this year. Of course as we left she ran and gave him a hug, waved and was all smiles.

Tuesday, December 15
I had a nice dinner out with some girlfriends that I scrapbook with reguarly. We had a fun little scrapbook embellishment exchange too. It was a wonderful excuse to put on some non-Mommy clothes for a change :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
New Years Eve-Day-DayAfter Crop at Citrus Tree Studio

Monday, December 14, 2009
Daily December Cover and the 12th-13th
Letters to Santa. Bennet wanted to make sure that I told Santa that Scout bit her 3 times. Oh dear. I scanned the letters, shrunk them down and put them inside a little envelope in the actual album.

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Daily December- Dec. 10 and 11

Dec. 11
Journaling: PJ's on & in the new car for a tour of the holiday lights of Wausau Scout was asleep early. Bennet was awake & in awe of all the Baby Jesus figurines. She kept asking me the name of every Holiday song that came on the radio. She zonked out close to home & Nick had to carry her in the house and to bed. A fun litle night out seeing the lights of the season.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Friday Fill Ins
2. You have to fight for your right to party.
3. It's my Mom's birthday today. Cake time. Happy birthday Mom!
4. Frickin' ridiculous!
5. I feel more round and out front this pregnancy. But just bigger in general.
6. Stay in your own bed. I love you!...goodnight!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to driving around to look at the lights, tomorrow my plans include baking Christmas sugar cutout cookies and Sunday, I hope to see Matt, Katie and Molly for a quick visit!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Daily December- Dec. 6- Dec. 9th

Monday, Dec. 7
It was one of those days. And a Monday no less. No photo, just a whole lot of journaling.

Tuesday, Dec. 8 Journaling: A go-go-go kind of day. Ran errands & did some holiday shopping. Stopped at Aspirus to see Barb post-op from her hip replacement. Then a Dr. appt. 32 weeks. HB138. Everything looks great. I even mailed our holiday cards too!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Citrus Tree Studios Guest Designer
It isn't all a holiday/Christmas kit. I was able to use if for this Halloween layout of Bennet. There is navy blue stitching around the edges that didn't scan very well. (story of my life). I printed the journaling right on the label using my computer. (Not included in the kit: Blue alphabet and thread)
Little Red
JOURNALING: You love the movie 'Hoodwinked' and wanted to go as Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween. We went to the store together to get the pattern and fabric. Then I went to work on your costume. You really made an adorable Red. Everyone agreed.Full of Wonder This photo is of Scout from last Christmas. Just look at that face! Those cheeks! (Not included in the kit: Black alphabet, rub ons and gray cardstock)

A Gift for Me
JOURNALING: I usually won't spend $5 on a cup of coffee but the Peppermint Mocha is a holiday treat to me.

Monday, December 7, 2009
Holiday Favorites

3. It's a Wonderful Life- (Layout from Dec.2008)
JOURNALING: It's a Wonderful Life is one of my all time favorite movies. So much so that our blog shares its name. It reminds me that the way I treat others leaves a lasting impact. That it isn't the things, but family & friends that determine wealth. No matter how many times I see it I always end up with tears running down my face. As soon as George Bailey shouts 'My mouths bleeding, Bert! My mouth's bleeding' and digs in his pockets for ZuZu's petals I'm a goner. They continue to roll as George runs through Bedford Falls as a magical snow falls. When he runs in the house and grabs the loose banister knob, something that had been one of life's problems and kisses it, I'm reminded that all the day-to-day stresses and issues are not as bad as we make them out to be. I truly do have A Wonderful Life. Clarence the Angel was right- 'No man is a failure who has friends'
4. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation: Clark W. Griswold is just funny. Nothing more to say. The movie is just chucked full of classic one liners.

Runner Ups- Christmas Story, Elf, Die Hard (hee hee), The Holiday, The Santa Clause
What are your favorite Holiday Classics?
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Daily December Album- 2009 Edition

December 2-
JOURNALING: New this year is a 3 ft. tree in the girls room. They love it. Today we made glittery ornaments to add to the tinsel and lights.

December 4- JOURNALING: Our first time at the Holiday Parade was cold, 15 degrees, but we still had fun. Nick made fancy hot cocoa & we joined Jess & Kim (+ kids) for the lights, music, animals, candy & the best part- the big guy, Santa Claus.

Friday, December 4, 2009
Friday Fill Ins
2. "Hey Mom" is followed at once by "You gotta see this".
3. The trouble is Scout really wants to sleep in Bennet's top bunk with her.
4. Although NYC is many miles away I wish we could sneak away there for a holiday weekend.
5. With a faint pop I instantly want Pringles.
6.The bumble in Rudolph is shadowy and ominous. (On a side note. Rudolph kind of sets a horrible example for kids at the beginning of the show. "Hey Rudolph, Bummer you have that nose or you could have been something? Let's cover that handicap/differentiating factor ok? Don't be a misfit!)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the Holiday parade, tomorrow my plans include cutting down our Christmas Tree and Sunday, I want to bake cookies at G&G Sweeney's!
I love to Scrap!
TITLE: Get Wet
I can't stop stitching!! I stitched a double circle in a green floss to match Scout's swimsuit. The background paper is patterned as is the yellow circle. I did this using a Feeling Scrappy Sketch (Tracy Kosofsky) as well as for a ScrapFreak Challenge.

TITLE: Darling, sweet, happy girls.
Journaling: the two of you are beginning to enjoy each others company. it makes me so happy.
I totally and 100% lifted this design from Moon Ko that I saw in Creating Keepsakes. I changed the color combo a little. I love the gray/red/yellow combo.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
More Thermos Layouts
TITLE: $106 for socks? Really? really.
Layout about my compression socks. Yes- I spent $106 on one pair of socks. Total craziness. Don't get me started.
And here I am at 7 months/31 weeks pregnant.
JOURNALING: Time is flying past as my belly grows. I'm starting to move a little slower. You still do backflips and cartwheels. You will make your arrival in less than 9 weeks. We can hardly wait.