My coworker and friend Julie's cousin Brenda Erickson took the photos. Her studio is in her home and she's local to the area. Doesn't she do an amazing job? We had her take Bennet's two year portraits and loved her work. We highly recommend her for child and baby photos. Just drop me an email and I'll forward her phone number/email onto you.
These are our favorites. It was hard to narrow them down.
OMG...they are all cute!!! Scouts skin is so porcelain and beautiful...not a blemish to be seen...just beautiful colors as well...very springy...your photographer is pretty hip!
OMG! Kari, these are absolutely precious and perfect!!! she is growing soooo fast!!!
I love the photos - her eyes are just so intense and beautiful! I just got Heather's 2 yr pictures taken... she is almost 2.5 :)
Kari these are the best!!!
Those are the most adorable pictures!! I love all of the bright colors.
HOLY Cow those photos are AWESOME Kari!!!!!
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